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A Lot Like Love Page 14

  Ryder’s hand was as insistent as his errection and she pushed harder, clenching tight, not letting him pull out when he tried to.

  “Damn it, Chloe,” he muttered. “I don’t have any protection on yet.”

  “Do you ever do it without? I’m on the pill.”

  “Never,” he growled. “But with you…”

  “I don’t either. Not before.”

  She smiled to herself and moved harder and faster, loving that he was struggling to stay in control, that he was enjoying it as much as she was, that he couldn’t stop even if he wanted to. Ryder was trying to get her top off now, and she wriggled to let him push it all the way up so she could struggle out of it, still with him buried inside of her. Then he flipped her over onto her stomach, her face pushed into the pillow as he settled himself behind her.

  “You asked for it.” His whisper was husky, like it was being dragged over gravel.

  Chloe matched him with every thrust, biting the pillow to stop from moaning. Only it didn’t work. Ryder’s fingers were on her again, caressing her as she arched back into him, her climax building fast.

  “Ryder,” she moaned, “I’m…” She didn’t get a chance to finish her sentence, the words dying in her throat as a wave of pleasure took over all her senses, her body tensing with the intensity of it before slowly loosening and going slack again.

  “Now that was a nice way to wake up,” she murmured, turning her head sideways so he could hear her as he collapsed over her.

  Ryder chuckled. “That more than makes up for you crashing on me last night.”

  He kissed her shoulder, stroking her hair aside so he could do the same to her neck. Chloe shut her eyes as his lips moved gently across her skin, the tenderness of his touch surprising her. Something had changed between them, something she couldn’t put her finger on yet, but what she was doing with Ryder wasn’t just about sex any longer.

  She had feelings for Ryder, and they scared the hell out of her.

  He went back to spooning her again, but she turned in his arms so she was facing him. Chloe kissed him, opening her mouth and sighing as he brushed his lips back and forth, his tongue so soft when he touched it to hers.

  “So what’s our plan for today?” he asked, cradling her against him so her head was to his chest. She’d wriggled down the bed so she could lie in his arms.

  “Breakfast, then more playing cards,” she said. “I think we’ll just stay here today though.”

  “You sure?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I’d rather just play the smaller tables, but if we gamble here I won’t run into anyone I know. It’ll just cost you more money for me to play the big game room. You should have a flutter, too, put into play what I’ve taught you.”

  “Your wish is my command,” he said against her hair, his lips soft. “But I might stick to some low-level slot machines. I’d rather give my money to charity than come up against you or any of the pros.”

  “Then how about you order me up some pain killers and a bacon and egg breakfast while I have a long, hot shower.” She pushed back and gazed up at him, wriggling so she could press one last kiss to his lips. “Extra bacon and a strong coffee. Maybe some orange juice, too.”

  “You starting to regret the tequila and tacos?” he asked with a grin.

  “Ugh.” She sat up and swung her legs off the bed. “I don’t think I can ever stomach either of those things again. Just the thought of them makes me want to hurl.”

  She glanced at Ryder, saw he’d kicked the sheets off completely as he stretched out, naked. If she wasn’t so desperate for a shower she’d have run straight back to bed and snuggled up against him again, but the lure of hot water made her keep walking. She could have Ryder to herself again tonight, and she was going to make the most of every second in bed with him.

  “I’ll order up room service now,” he called out. “I need you firing on all cylinders.”

  “I thought I was,” she teased back as she turned on the faucet, peeking out the door before shutting it.

  “You are, darlin’,” Ryder drawled. “Believe me, you are.”

  She stepped under the water and didn’t move, letting it soak her hair and her skin. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that she could win back Ryder’s ranch—Parker was a small fish compared to the serious guys playing her at the big tables here, and if she could bluff her way to winning against them she’d be fine back in Dallas. Her only concern was walking away from Ryder when it was all over. She could do it, but she already knew it was gonna hurt like hell.

  “Like a Band-Aid,” she muttered to herself. When it was time for it to all be over, she was just going to have to rip the Band-Aid off and not look back.

  * * *

  “Maybe we should have stayed at the Bellagio.”

  Ryder’s mutter made her laugh. “Hey, just because you wanted to play against me.”

  “My mistake. I’m moving over right now.”

  They both laughed and Ryder dropped a kiss to her head before moving on, leaving her to play again. She’d decided it was stupid to worry—the Bellagio wasn’t where she wanted to play—and she was really starting to hit her stride. It was the smaller places where she really got to play a good variety of solid players.

  She glanced up as another player joined the table, a cap pulled down low, his face impossible to see. She didn’t care anyway, just stared at the table, waited for the dealer.

  Chloe stretched and turned her neck from side to side, feeling stiff. They only had a few hours left before they were going to head back for a dinner booking, their last day in Vegas all mapped out, so she didn’t mind putting up with a sore neck for a little longer. She smiled to herself. Maybe Ryder could massage her later.

  The cards were dealt and she started playing, on a roll, until there were just three of them left in the game. She curled up her toes as she took another glance at her cards, looking at the other two men. The one farthest away from her, the older guy with the cap, finally looked up, tipping his hat back, cards facedown on the table.

  Chloe gasped as familiar hazel-brown eyes met hers. She clenched her cards, fighting the urge to get up and run or call out for Ryder. She glanced over her shoulder, checked he was close, saw that he was playing only a few tables over.

  “You sure been having a good run today.”

  The gravelly voice sent a shiver through her body, leaving her cold, skin like ice. It was him. It was her… She took a big, shaky breath as he took off his hat and ran his fingers through hair long enough to need a ponytail. Her father. It had been a while, but it wouldn’t matter how many years passed—she’d always know him.

  Chloe stared at her cards, refused to acknowledge him. The other player was staring at her now and when he raised the bet she fumbled, raising too, but giving too much away with her body language, her confidence lost. She didn’t want to get up and walk away, wanted to win, didn’t want her father to be the reason she lost her winning streak, but…

  Damn. Within five minutes she’d lost, her cards thrown on the table, money gone. She stood up and pushed back her seat, grabbing her purse and hurrying toward Ryder, but fingers caught tight around her wrist before she could get away, digging in hard.

  “Is that any way to treat your daddy?”

  She bristled, snatching her arm from his grip even though it hurt like hell. Chloe spun around to face him, knew from looking at him that things weren’t going his way right now. When things were rough, he didn’t bother to shave, let his hair grow out. If he was worth any kind of money he’d be wearing a nice shirt, showing off a fancy wristwatch with his sleeves pushed up, hair neatly combed.

  “I said…”

  “You’re not my daddy anymore,” she said, fists clenched as she glared at him, heat rising in her cheeks from anger.

  “You got any money, love?” His voice was softer now, his eyes pleading. Like an addict begging for a fix. “I just need a bit to tide me over, see me out of a bit of trouble.”

  “I n
eed you to leave me alone,” she told him, not backing down, staring him straight in the eye. “In case you’ve forgotten, you’ve already stolen everything I had.”

  “You’re throwing ’round a bit of cash today. I’ve been watching you, Chloe.”

  “Everything okay here?”

  Chloe had to bite down hard on her bottom lip to stop from crying, the relief she felt at hearing Ryder’s deep, commanding voice hitting her with a power punch.

  “Ryder, this is my father,” she muttered.

  “Ah, so you got yourself a rich man, did you? Maybe he can pay up for the privilege. Or is a little bitch like you not worth a dowry?”

  “You bastard,” she swore, keeping close to Ryder when his hands landed on her shoulders, her back pressed against him.

  “Seems like you have a few debts to settle, and I’m not talking about what you owe your daughter,” Ryder said, eyeballing her father over her head.

  He received a laugh in response. “Yeah? Well, Chloe was always pretty good at getting her old man out of trouble. Never liked the idea of me getting roughed up too much.”

  The fury that built within Chloe was like an out-of-control storm, swirling inside her head until she couldn’t stand it any longer. Before she had time to think she was less than a foot away from the man she hated with every fiber in her body, her hand raised as she slapped him hard across the face.

  Ryder grabbed her, his hand closing over hers as he drew her back, his hold firm yet gentle, guiding her away.

  “I hate you,” she sobbed. “I hope they come looking for you. I hope they find you and make you pay, because I’m never settling your debts again. Never.”

  She turned into Ryder, letting him hold her, face to his chest. She never lost control, never cried, but seeing her father, having to deal with the man who should have loved her more than anyone else in the world treating her like that… She sucked back her tears and took a deep breath. It broke her heart.

  “You don’t contact Chloe again, you hear me?” Ryder said, the no-bullshit tone of his voice only making her hold on to him tighter. “She ever wants to see you, she’ll find you, but you so much as ask her for a dollar again and it’ll be my fist you’re facing. Got that?”

  Ryder took her hand, walking her away from her father and out the door.

  “You’re okay,” he soothed, keeping hold of her hand even when they stopped. “He’s not going to hurt you.”

  “But he already did,” she admitted, wiping her eyes, hoping she didn’t look like a panda after bursting into tears. “I lost.”

  “What? One game?”

  She nodded.

  “Sweetheart, he’s your dad. He’s always going to be able to rattle you.” Ryder stroked his fingers down her cheek, leaning in for a kiss, his lips soft against hers. “You might be an incredible poker player, but you’re only human.”

  She put her arms around him, inhaled the now-familiar scent of him, sighed as his arms closed around her. Chloe turned so her cheek was pressed to his chest so she could talk to him.

  “You do realize that’s twice you’ve saved me since we got here.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “Hey, you’re saving me big-time, so I figure I still owe you.”

  “Sorry I cried.”

  He squeezed her tighter against him. “Chlo, you’re staunch in there with the guys at the tables, but I’m not going to think you’re weak because your asshole father can hurt you. Hell, my dad would probably make me cry, so you don’t have anything to apologize for.”

  “Nothing would make you cry,” she mumbled, finally letting him go and stepping back.

  “You’d be surprised.”

  She looked up at him, into eyes that seemed to show her all the way to his soul. It was like he was opening himself to her, not shutting any part of him away, and she reached for him again, holding both his hands.

  “You wanna call it a day?” she asked.

  “I think we need ice cream,” he said, holding up her hand and kissing the back of it.

  She laughed. “Chocolate ice cream?”

  Ryder tugged her under his arm and she slipped her arm around his waist, walking alongside him.

  “I can’t believe I hit my father.”

  “He had it coming.”


  She sighed as he kissed the top of her head again, something he’d taken to doing that made her feel… loved. Being with Ryder wasn’t just about the sex or the fun, it was about the way he looked at her, the brightness in his gaze when he spoke to her, his laugh when it was just the two of them. Only she had no way of knowing if he felt anything more than lust for her, and she sure as hell wasn’t about to ask him.

  Chapter 13

  Goodbye Vegas,” Chloe said, stretching her legs out and shutting her eyes.

  Ryder passed her a bottle of water and stared out at the view as the jet lifted higher into the air. It had been a fun few days, and he was starting to wish they’d hidden from reality for longer and stayed. Or maybe gone somewhere else so Chloe didn’t have the fear of god in her over running into her father again.

  “Does that mean you won’t be coming to watch me ride at the National Finals next month?”

  Her eyes popped back open, searching him out. “But by then we’ll…”

  He held up his hands. “I know, I know. Our fake relationship will be over and you’ll have moved on.” Ryder shrugged. The words came easy, but the idea of what they had between them being over by then was really starting to piss him off. “I just thought you might like to come be my little good-luck charm one last time.”

  Her smile was hesitant at first. “Well…”

  Ryder pulled a sad puppy-dog face and jumped over to her sofa, landing on the cushions upside down and dropping his head into her lap. “I know you want to. Besides, after that atrocious turn on the bull at the Rockhouse, you really ought to have another go.”

  “Get up and stop reminding me what a colossal failure I was on the tin bull.”

  He grinned. “Does that mean yes?”

  “It means I’ll think about it.”

  He sat up and grabbed her, pulling her onto his lap. “We’re really calling this off once the deed is done?” Ryder still wasn’t convinced she was going to walk her talk, but then she hadn’t exactly bluffed and not followed through with anything else. Or maybe it was just the fact that he wanted her to stay rather than have to admit how he felt about her and be the one begging her to hang around.

  Her expression was solemn again, mouth set in a firm line with no hint of a smile. “No strings, Ryder. Don’t push me.”

  Ryder stroked her long hair, wrapping it around his hand and tugging her head back. He brushed his lips across hers. “Whatever you say, darlin’. Whatever you say.” He could talk his way into anything, which meant he was intending to pull out all the stops to keep her from walking once the card game was over. He hadn’t had nearly enough skin time with Chloe yet. He’d always been the one making it clear to women he was only interested in short-term flings, and now here he was starting to realize what it felt like from the other side.

  “So this next rodeo’s a big deal?” she asked, unscrewing the top of her water.

  “Yeah, you could say that,” Ryder told her, staring at her hand as he stroked the inside of her palm. “It’s the biggest competition in the country for all rodeo riders, so it’s the one not to miss.”

  She frowned and fiddled with the plastic bottle top she was holding. “Your brothers seem pretty sure that you need to retire. Any reason why?”

  “They have this absurd idea that it’s too dangerous for me.” Ryder chuckled. “But don’t you worry that pretty little head of yours. It hasn’t killed me yet and it ain’t going to.”

  “They just care about you.” She sighed. “Don’t take it for granted that they give a damn.”

  He stopped stroking and held up her hand to press a kiss against her knuckles. “I won’t. And you can stop thinking that no one gives a
damn about you, because it’s bullshit.”

  She raised her eyes, stared into his like she was willing him not to say it, not to go too far.

  “I give a damn about you, Chloe,” he murmured, finding it hard to say the words. “And don’t you forget it.”

  Tears shone in her eyes and she quickly blinked them away. “I give a damn about you, too,” she whispered back.

  Ryder kept hold of her hand as she looked away, staring out the window at the clouds now that they were cruising higher. When she finally glanced back at him she pulled her hand away to worry the label on her water bottle.

  “I have my first shift back tomorrow night,” she told him, clearing her throat and turning to face him. “I’ll find out when they’re likely to play again, get everything set in motion.”

  Ryder nodded, deciding to keep his trap shut. Something was happening between them that neither one of them wanted to admit to, but like it or not, parting ways had to be done and it wasn’t going to be easy. Not for her. And sure as hell not for him.

  “How long do you plan on staying at my place?” Ryder asked, watching as Chloe flicked through a magazine. She stopped and looked up when he spoke. “Are you still going to crash with me or are you going back to your friend’s place?”

  “Maybe only a couple of weeks tops if I end up playing him sooner than later.”

  Ryder nodded. So there went his months of having her in his bed.

  “We’ll swing past your place on our way home, grab some of your things.”

  “Thanks. I’ve been crashing on Shelly’s sofa so she’ll be happy to know I’ll be gone for longer.”

  “And I can officially thank her for giving me your number that day.”

  Chloe’s mouth tilted up into a smile. “I still haven’t officially kicked her butt for that. Although after I pretended I was just going to stay with you a couple days, she’ll kill me when I tell her where we’ve been.”

  “Don’t be too hard on her. I’ll be eternally grateful.”